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Trentinian Porphyry

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The strength of tradition .


It is Grey Brown  porphyry par excellence. Its charm recounts the history of the Trentino area and the authentic nature of its people.

Extracted from a quarry that bears the same name, the natural surface of Delgorsa® porphyry is always elegant, and never out of place. The sombre and uniform colours such as grey brown always allow the highest possible creative freedom when it comes to design decisions, without forgoing the natural look that brings comfort and harmony to everyday living.

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The Delgorsa® porphyry cubes, with an almost cubic shape, are used for paving and obtained from machine slip of natural slabs. The product presents therefore natural surfaces and split edges.  

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The porphyry paving stones Delgorsa® from Trentino, with a parallelepiped shape, have a natural superior surface with parallel and split edges, usually orthogonal to the plane or with a slightly acute angle.

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The Delgorsa® tiles with natural surface from the quarry are either finished or obtained through mechanical compression (blanking), creating this way split edges in planar or with a slightly acute angle, or through sawing with diamond discs, generating square and regular edges.

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The term “Palladian” normally refers to Delgorsa® irregular slabs directly coming from the selection of the quarry materials. These slabs, with polygonal shape, present a natural surface, variable thickness and raw edges. They can be distinguished by their size and thickness.

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The Delgorsa® kerbs, made from extra-thick slabs from the quarry, always have a visible natural surface and a finished edge. The possible proceeding of the head varies from the most simple and economic cut to the most precious proceeding and shaping, starting from a sawn or finished surface.

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It is under this name that the Delgorsa® products like kerbing corners for driveways, overflow drains and drains are regrouped.

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These products have visible split edges, perfect for the covering of walls and façades and for the tiling of steep-slope surfaces.

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Scales, sills and covers can have a natural surface, when obtained from quarry slabs of different thicknesses and sizes, and with a finished surface when they are sawn from blocks. The massicci scales are formed in a unique piece of every thickness. Their surface can be natural, when it is obtained from extra-thick quarry slabs, or it can be finished when they are sawn from the blocks.

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The range of products and accessories for vertical solutions: ventilated external walls, subgrade walls, skirting boards, tiling and interior design.
